Write me

The idea of a website comes from a long time, the idea of this website since more than one year ago, after viewing a pre-compiled galleries and after making a (small) promise. This promise has actually no great meaning at the moment and will probably never reach its addressee.

The reason for this website is double. First, there was the wish to learn and practice a bit about web design and html language. All the site has been "programmed" with line coding and not using "interface" software. A great help and a good starting point was the website (in Italian), with a wide source of informations, nice scripts and examples. Its author (with who I got in touch once for a question) is highly aknowledged. I read the tutorials once, and then forgot many things, read and forgot again, until I finally decided to practice step by step. Probably at the moment I am forgetting many things again...
The second reason was to deal with something that in the last years took me a lot of imagination, time and passion, and then to be able to organize a very little part of the results in a way that I liked or that at least could be close to how I could have liked. In this perspective, I just wished to share this part and have the illusion to have my own gallery to be entrusted to the ocean of internet, a bit like a message in a bottle left into the sea. I like to think to it in this way, but this is also the reason why I tried to keep anonymous (in the meaning of without name) the author and the subjects (when present) of the pictures.

By personal choice, I avoided the use of flash application because I don't feel comfortable with the idea that they could delay the loading process of the pages, which are already demanding by themselves, due to the large use of pictures that I am already making. For this purpose, also the pictures were converted in medium quality jpg format with larger side of 900 px. I preferred to use only java scripts. All the ones shown here - from the round menu to the cloud carousel and the gallery script - are free and can be found in the net. Small doubts, programming questions and examples can be also found relatively easily.

Please, note that this website has been designed using Mozilla Firefox and a High Definition Screen. I am aware that other browsers may give problems or lead to unaesthetic outputs. This is particularly true with Internet Explorer, in the use of the java scripts and the indication of the links, depending on the installed version. Minor problems have been encountered with Safari. I apologize for that, it's well known that IE respects less the html rules, but for the moment the solution was out of my skills and Firefox is highly recommended.
Also a lower resolution of the screen may result quite annoying, even if I designed the pages so that also (relatively) reduced resolution screens could visualize the pages without the use of scrollbars.

My intention is to keep the site updated; in particular, at the moment some sections are still missing or are incomplete. For this reason I created an Update page to keep track of the story of the website and new events. Any sign of passage, even for few screenshots, will be welcome and, if allowed by the sender, will be published on the Guestbook .